Urban Nature in Fall/Winter

The exhibit opens a discussion through an interdisciplinary approach to environmental issues, and brings attention to species unnoticed or overlooked in our urban setting. Merging science with fine art, the drawings portray plants, animals and fungi according to scientifically informed characteristics needed for species identification. I think of them as portraits, where they live, relationships to others, and capture a moment in time. With nature at a tipping point, the art addresses the vibrant life that cohabits our urban environment in fall/winter. Focus is on these species, why they are important to a healthy ecosystem, reliance on biodiversity preservation, and how we can protect their urban habitats.

The image of insect galls on a leaf exemplifies an important habitat under threat. Removal of leaves in fall disturb overwintering habitat for insects. They are experiencing steep population declines. Insects are vital as a food source for many animals, and for food production. Another drawing of fallen twigs, a substrate for lichen, are swept into the street destroyed by cars. This is one thing we can change to help.

I spoke about my subject choices, and presentations by guest speakers Sigrid Jakob president of NY Mycological Society, and Sunny Corrao board member of NYS Outdoor Education Association, spoke about animals, plants and fungi strategies for survival during these seasons. There were table displays with microscopes and examples. I created an ongoing citizen science project Fall/Winter Species NYC on iNaturalist, free to join, to gather useful data Sept-Mar for scientific studies. In partnership with the Bay Ridge library venue, a book display on species, field guides, urban ecology and environmental issues were available for checkout.

As an artist I am passionate about nature. As a teaching artist with an environmental message, I teach kids through adults to reach a varied population. My goal is to engage the viewer to learn more about the natural world, and offer small steps they can take toward actionable environmental stewardship.

Thank you to the collaborators for participating in the exhibit event. The diverse experience, perspectives, and the generosity of the Puffin Foundation LTD, created support for my vision that the viewer consider species that share our urban environment, and inspire the protection of nature using my art.

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